Monday, August 19, 2013

Robots For Sale

This newest blog showcasing individual themes from my stores focuses on robots. I grew up on a steady diet of Science Fiction and my favorites always relied heavily on our mechanical friends. Star Wars, Short Circuit, Robotech, Gobots, and Transformers - you couldn't turn on the TV, go to the movies, or walk down the toy aisle without seeing robots. Heck, in the 80's, nearly every toy I owned either turned was a robot or turned into one. I swear, buried in a box somewhere in my childhood home is a little, yellow, plastic cube that turns into a robot. My brother had a sphere that did the same. Why? Why not! Robots are awesome and that's all the reason I needed.

These are available for sale on all my various online stores such as Cafepress, Zazzle, Spreadshirt,Printfection, Spoonflower, Shapeways, and MySoti. The Spreadshirt page is for my shop, where I've got t-shirts already designed but you can design your own by clicking here, then "Choose Design", and search for "will la puerta". Some of those links will take you right to geeky designs, but some stores don't have categories to keep things organized like that. You can also keep up with all my latest additions on the Reaper Media Facebook Page.

I visualize a time when we will be to robots what dogs are to humans, and I'm rooting for the machines.
- Claude Shannon

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